picture of a cross in front of trees and a pond

Helping Texas Churches Guide Their Members in Faithful Estate Planning.

Many churches have programs to promote good financial stewardship during life, encouraging members to manage their resources wisely and honor their faith through giving and responsible planning. The Texan Wills and Trusts Church Partnership Program extends this mission by helping church members practice good financial stewardship with their resources once they are absent from the body and present with the Lord. Through this partnership, your church can provide members with access to free last wills and other affordable, Texas-specific estate planning tools that protect their loved ones, honor their faith, and create a lasting legacy. With resources, workshops, and exclusive discounts, this program makes it easy for your congregation to align their values with their financial plans, even in their final wishes.

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Here’s How It Works:


The Texan Wills and Trusts Church Partnership Program makes estate planning accessible, faith-focused, and completely free for your congregation. Through this program, your church can provide members with essential estate planning documents at no cost, ensuring they care for their families and honor their faith with ease.

  1. Completely Free Wills – Church members receive a Last Will and Testament under the Christian Estate Plan entirely free of charge. This includes a standalone Declaration of Guardian for minor children if applicable.

  2. No Cost to Partner – Partnering with Texan Wills and Trusts is completely free for your church. We provide you with a unique discount code for your members to access their free wills with no strings attached.

  3. Affordable Add-Ons – If members wish to enhance their plans, they can optionally add Powers of Attorney for incapacity planning or a Revocable Living Trust to avoid probate – all at extremely low costs. The Powers of Attorney add on is only $49 and the Trust add on is only $100. A comparable estate plan from an attorney would be $3,000 – $5,000!

For more details, visit the Christian Estate Plan page.

Key Benefits:

  • Faith-Centered Planning – The Christian Estate Plan integrates a statement of Christian faith into the documents, allowing members to reflect their values in their plans. This enables members to share the Gospel with their loved ones through their estates.

  • Empower Stewardship – This program helps your church extend its mission of financial stewardship, providing members with tools to care for their families and support the church’s mission.

  • No Hidden Fees – If wills and guardianship declarations for minors are all a member wants, their documents are entirely free. There’s no catch or obligation.

By partnering with Texan Wills and Trusts, your church can provide an incredible resource to your members, helping them create estate plans that protect their loved ones and honor their faith at every stage of life. Together, we can ensure every family has access to simple, affordable, and meaningful estate planning.